Postdoc Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil: AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador Sept. 9, 2019 Steward Observatory is proud to announce that Dr. Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil has been selected as one of the 125 AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) IF/THEN® Ambassadors. IF/THEN®, a national initiative of Lyda Hill Philanthropies, seeks to further women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by empowering current innovators and inspiring the next generation of pioneers. Read more Image
Spotlight: Dr. Maha Saber Sept. 5, 2019 Maha has specialized in studying traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease research for the last 8 years. Her goal is to determine the role of chronic increases of inflammation after brain injury and how it may induce dementias like Alzheimer’s disease. Read more Image
Meet Dr. Martinovic! Sept. 2, 2019 Dr. Mihailo Martinovic is a postdoc at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. Read more Image
Giving Priorities: Student Support Aug. 20, 2019 Undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are an integral part of the team of astronomers, taking part in research leading to the significant discoveries. Read more Image
Spotlight: Dr. Robert Jackson Aug. 2, 2019 Robert is absolutely fascinated by viruses and how they interact with their hosts via elegant molecular processes. To continue his scientific journey, last month he moved to Tucson from Canada to join as a postdoc in Dr. Koenraad Van Doorslaer’s lab at the BIO5 Institute. Read more Image
New Postdoctoral Opportunities Aug. 1, 2019 Dr. Kielar from Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, is looking for a postdoctoral fellow. Contact her for more information. Research, Discovery, and Innovation (RDI) at the University of Arizona is seeking qualified candidates for the Associate Research Development position. Find here more details. Read more Image
BIO5 Postdoctoral Fellowship: Deadline September 16th July 31, 2019 The BIO5 Postdoctoral Fellowship is now active on UA Competition Space. These grants are specifically designed to support and enhance the independent research goals of BIO5 postdoctoral researchers. Read more Image
Postdoc Talk: Learn, Connect, Advance July 25, 2019 Postdoctoral Affairs is pleased to announce a new “brown bag” series called Postdoc Talk which offers postdocs an opportunity to learn more about issues critical to their career advancement and success. Read more Image
Arizona Postdoctoral Research Conference July 15, 2019 Postdoctoral scholars from The University of Arizona are invited to submit an abstract to the first Arizona Postdoctoral Research Conference. Abstract submissions for research talks and posters will be accepted through July 29, 2019. Read more Image
Congratulations to the BIO5 Postdoctoral Fellowship Awardees! July 3, 2019 The BIO5 Postdoctoral Fellowship recognizes outstanding postdoctoral researchers at the University of Arizona who are engaging in multi-disciplinary research projects aligned with the foci of the BIO5 Institute. Read more Image