UA Postdoctoral Affairs Grants: Apply Now!

Postdoctoral Small Event Grants
The Postdoctoral Small Event Grants program has been created to provide postdoctoral scholars with opportunities to organize events that benefit the UArizona postdoc community. Such events may include (but are not limited to) conferences, networking gatherings with local experts or employers, workshop series, postdoc discussion groups, and invited speaker(s). Postdoctoral Affairs will fund two Small Events Grants each fiscal year. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis (first submitted, first reviewed). A single postdoc may apply; however, applications submitted by two or more postdocs are encouraged.
- Applicants must (a) be no more than seven years since earning a doctoral degree, and (b) have a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRA) appointment or other acceptable position at the UArizona at the time the application is submitted. For postdoctoral scholars who do not hold a PRA appointment, please inquire about eligibility before submitting materials by emailing
The application must include:
- The applicant’s CV (each applicant’s CV in the case of multiple applicants)
- A 500-word narrative that includes a
- description of the proposed initiative and its feasibility.
- discussion of the potential impact that the proposed initiative would have on postdoctoral scholars across the university. [Note: This means that the event should be designed to meet the needs of a broad range of postdocs and, therefore, should not be discipline-specific.]
- An itemized budget that includes the amount requested and justification. The maximum award is $500. Prohibited items include: (a) alcoholic beverages; (b) awards, trophies, gifts, and gift cards; and (d). event not being open to the entire UArizona postdoc population.
Submit application materials (or direct any questions) to Jenny Hoit, Director of Postdoctoral Affairs, at
Awardees will be required to submit a post-grant report within 6 months of the event date. The report should be sent to that includes:
- A description of the event and photos if available (please contact us about obtaining photo permissions)
- Attendance data
- Verification of expenses
An evaluation of its success and how it benefited the organizers’ career path and the postdoc community as a whole
Postdoctoral Travel Grants
The Postdoctoral Travel Grants program has been created to provide postdoctoral scholars with funds to defray the cost of attending a conference to present their research. The funds may be used toward travel, lodging, food, conference registration, and other related expenses. Postdoctoral Affairs will fund seven Postdoctoral Travel Grants (each up to $700) each fiscal year.
The next application deadline is January 23, 2023.
- Applicants must (a) be no more than seven years since earning a doctoral degree, and (b) have a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRA) appointment or other acceptable position at the UArizona at the time the application is submitted. For postdoctoral scholars who do not hold a PRA appointment, please inquire about eligibility before submitting materials by emailing
- Applicants must be scheduled to present a paper/poster about their research at a scholarly or professional conference.
- Applicants must submit the travel grant application prior to the conference.
- Applicants with access to adequate intramural or extramural travel funds are not eligible for these grants.
- Applicants may not receive more than one travel grant per fiscal year. Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received a Postdoctoral Travel Grant.
Application materials:
- The applicant’s CV
- A narrative (500 word maximum) that includes
- The title and authors of the paper/poster to be presented
- The name, date(s), and location of the conference
- A short description of the research
- A statement about the importance of presenting at this conference
- An itemized budget that includes the amount requested and justification. The maximum award is $700 per application.
- A signed letter from the applicant’s primary mentor stating that there are not sufficient funds available to cover the expenses associated with this travel.
- Confirmation of acceptance of the paper/poster to the conference. [Note: An application for this grant may be submitted before confirmation; however, funds will not be released until confirmation of acceptance is received.]
Submit application materials (or direct any questions) to Jenny Hoit, Director of Postdoctoral Affairs, at