Meet Dr. Martinovic!

Postdoc Mihailo Martinovic’s research is impressive: he seeks to understand the acceleration and heating mechanisms of solar wind. But perhaps even more impressive is his broader motivation behind his research: “In science, we should work to widen knowledge of all humans, I win, you win, everyone wins.”
When he is not in the laboratory, Mihailo enjoys studying philosophy and the art of chess. His passion for chess shines through as he talks about how it gives his mind a break from solving scientific problems and inspires creativity. Mihailo believes that all scientists should have a hobby to help them stay grounded and healthy.
Mihailo feels he has been productive during his time at the University of Arizona and attributes his productivity to the support of the faculty members who mentor him as well as other UA personnel. He looks forward to getting to know other postdocs and being part of the campus-wide postdoctoral community.
Written by Lauren Raviele