Congratulations to 2023 Postdoctoral Travel Grant Recipients!

Postdoctoral Affairs is pleased to announce the 2023 Postdoctoral Travel Grant Recipients. The Postdoctoral Travel Grants program offers postdoctoral scholars the opportunity to apply for travel funding to defray the cost of attending a conference to present their research. The funds may be used toward travel, lodging, food, conference registration, and other related expenses.
October 2023 Recipients:
Dr. Marjan Aghajani, Internal Medicine, Translational Cardiovascular Research Center
Dr. Holly Andrews, School of Geography, Development, & Environment
Dr. Coleman Hiett, Geosciences
Dr. Roy Malini, Urban Planning
Dr. Katlyn Nickels, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Dr. Gemma Purser, School of Natural Resources and the Environment